Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Years Reso...New Post

I've realized that I am really neglecting on my blogging. Even though I'm completely still new at it and have no idea what to blog about...I should make a stand and make it a new years resolution to at least blog once a week about anything. 

Well today will mark that fresh new start.

I've been doing a lot (and I mean A LOT) of online window shopping. I love window shopping. It makes me want to actually save up, pick my most wanted, budget myself, and then shop my heart out. Today's guilty pleasure would be this uber awesome website here.

I am completely floored and in love with this concept of shopping accordingly to your zodiac sign. I think it gives someone the chance to have fun and be creative with their own creation, with some guidelines. So, I'm a virgo and this is what the their stylist has come up with.

Super cute eh? Details of the complete outfit can be found here.

I absolutely adore the top, especially the colour. I'm always scared to try colours and patterns because I like my greys, blacks, cremes. I'm a natural kind of girl, but if I see something that's really intriguing and something that I know I can pull off with the right accessories, I'll add it to my wardrobe.  

Speaking of wardrobe...I finally organized my SUPER TINY closet space at my boyfriends place. I literally have no more space to put any more clothes. AGGGGRRRHHHHH!!!

But on the bright side...It's well organized (maxi-dresses to casual dresses to dressy dresses/short sleeved shirts to long sleeved shirts/sweaters to blazers/dress pants to jeans to skirts/ and then light jackets for layering) and all colour coordinated...Yup...I'm a bit of a nut... 

 I still need to go to IKEA and pick up a small dresser to put my bras and panties in. I have a huge Hello Kitty bag that has all my goods and it sucks trying to hunt those bastards down, especially when I am running late for something (like work >.<)

How do you organize your closet?

Until next time... 


  1. Is it weird that I like the virgo outfit more than my own?

  2. I was gonna say...I feel bad for some of those signs...Did you see Gemini's? Utter disaster...

  3. I'm so glad to have found your blog!!!! I really enjoy reading your posts!!! If you have a chance, please visit/follow my blog. Your supports will mean the world to me. Thank you so much in advance! Have a great day!!!
