Hey fellow bloggers,
I've been dreading when the next time I was able to have some free time and just post up a blog about what's been going on in my daily crazy and boring life. Don't get me wrong. I love being able to write stuff down that's been on my mind and being able to share with the cyber world to even see if there's somebody out there that feels the same way I do. But frankly, when that free time does come around the corner, my mind goes blank because I live a boring life.
Since my last post, I haven't been following up on any of my so called "changes" that I've been so proud and determined to keep up with. I should be doing some squats or sit ups instead of sitting and blogging right now, but for today, I'm making that exception. And the reason for that is because I feel that I need to express something that I wasn't able to do in the past. I'm going to be talking about a certain habit of mine that literally controls my life in such a huge way.
Just as a disclaimer, whatever I put out here in this blog comes solely from my heart. I don't bs around with this because I want this blog to be a reminder of the things that I've felt that moment I was blogging and share things that I am passionate about. If you were to ever meet me in person, you wouldn't be able to tell that I am the person from this blog.
READER DISCLAIMER: If you do not want to know about my life, then move on ahead, skip, and move to the next blog. For the first time in my life, I feel that I am able to finally look at myself in the mirror and do something about my life that would better myself and for the people around me. So if you don't like it, don't bother in reading another sentence or even that commenting that this is stupid or boring or whatever. Get it?
Growing up, I didn't have such a normal childhood. You know those commercials you see where families get together for breakfast and dinner, go to soccer games and cheer each other on, or even go on countless vacations? My life was the complete opposite of that. I grew up in a some what traditional Chinese family. I lived with my family (dad, mom, older sister and younger brother) and my mother's parents (Grandpa-gong gong and Grandma-paw paw). We lived in a very small town in Washington state where we were obviously minorities. So yea I got a lot of flack for being Chinese in a very white community where stereotypical Caucasian kids just love making fun of your eyes being so small and being picked last because I was too short for basketball during PE. What made it even worse was the fact that my family owned one of the 3 or 4 Chinese restaurants in town. So again, lots of Caucasian kids wanting their pot stickers and wontons, or my all time favourite, GIVE ME SOME FRIED LICE...
I wasn't able to have friends over at my house after school because my paw paw doesn't allow it and also it was HER house. I would remember leaving school and going straight to the restaurant to do my homework and eat dinner at like 4 in the afternoon (if you worked in a restaurant, you would know by 5 is dinner and rush, so there was no normal dinner time), and around 8pm I would walk back to the house (which was right across the street from the restaurant) and tuck myself in (since my parents were still working) and do the same process over and over again.
I remember just being miserable growing up. I would remember countless times where I would grab my Little Mermaid suitcase, grab like a shirt and slacks, a pair of socks, undershirt (because boobies didn't develop until I was 13/14), underwear, a toy of some sort, and toothbrush (no toothpaste because I didn't properly brush my teeth). I think I was about 9 or 10 years old, where I was so fed up with my life with my family, that I actually made it out the door and walked about 3 blocks (these were very short blocks) before turning around because I knew that I would get my ass beaten if my parents found out that I ran away. I would walk back slowly from those 3 blocks (took me a good 25-30 minutes) back to my house, only to find my mom waiting for me with an angry face. If you really want to know...I got my ass beaten.
It wasn't until grade 8 that I was able to do something to make my life "spontaneous". I remembered being teased at school and of course one kid would say "Stop making fun of her, she might know Kung-Fu and beat us down." (Seriously...just because I'm Chinese...I'm a Kung-Fu master). But I took what that kid said into context and agreed that I knew Kung-Fu and that I was trained by the one and only Jackie Chan. Right then and there...I had spilled my first lie. In all honesty, I only had two...count them two (make a peace sign and count) Wushu classes when I was in grade 7 and I did meet Jackie Chan when he came to Vancouver to film Rumble in the Bronx. No lie...Ask my siblings and parents. But after that one exaggerated lie...that feeling of those kids just backing off and actually now having a normal conversation with me instead of them picking at me...made me feel like I was on top of the world.
From there...came more lies. I think on a daily bases of my high school life...I would exaggerate or lied about something at least 10 times a day. It would get progressively worse and worse as I aged, but I got better and better at it. It's scary, now that I look back at it, how I was living this life that wasn't even mine. I guess you can say that it was my low self esteem that had brought me to that point. And maybe...you're right.
I'm almost 28, and having to lie and exagerrate about something is just simply and plainly stupid. About a month ago, I literally just cracked and broke down because I just simply couldn't keep up with this cherade any longer. I confided in my parents, which they were quite worried about where I was in life. They knew I had a problem, but they didn't know that it had taken over my life. My mom simply asked, "Why I needed to lie or be someone I wasn't?" And really, I couldn't find the right answer for her. All I did was reflect on how it happened in the beginning, so I started with that. As a middle child, growing up with my siblings was a little hard. I had an older sister, who was smart as hell and very athletic, and a younger brother who was like THE prince in the family (back in the day AND still in this modern day, Asian families prefers boys over girls. Don't believe me? Look is up.) I was also raised with many cousins, uncles, and aunts who always gossips about which child did better at this school subject or which child was more good looking than the other, that it really affected the way I looked at myself. It felt that I needed to be somebody to prove to my family that I am worthy. That I wanted to be accepted.
When I said that to my mom, she literally broke down and said, "You are Jessica Tang, my daughter. You take things too much in context because you think that you are never good for anybody. But who gives a shit if no one likes you for who you are. You don't need acceptance from anybody. You are something, because you are my daughter, and that is never going to change."
So after that, my mom had spoken to my dad about our conversation. Note this, my father is your typical Asian father. He doesn't communicate much and when the time comes you want to have a heart to heart conversation, he tries to avoid it sometimes. I don't blame him for that. He's been through a lot in his life and I respect him enough to know that he has done a lot to make his family happy by working hard. I never spent a lot of time with my dad growing up because he was always at the restaurant. He came to me and sat me down and said, "Mom said you're having some problems, but I understand that we can't always help you. If you need someone to talk to, let me know and we can ask some people around to see who can help you. I'm doing what I can to let you know that if there's anything you need to talk about, I am here. Even though I have my opinions about how you live your life and what you should do, it will be bad of me as your father to tell you what you need to do at your age now. You are an adult now, but you're still my kid. And my kids' happiness is what a father seeks in life."
I took what my father and mother said to heart. I sat in my room for a long time, and felt a sense of peace. Like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 27 years of me having to feel like I'm nothing simply went away. That self realization really had helped me try to understand myself a little bit better and to know that I am just a human being seeking for true happiness. I told myself, it's okay to not be the smartest or prettiest or fittest person in the world. That my flaws isn't going to kill me because in the future, my goal is to be happy. I lived a miserably life for too long, that it's time for me to live life happy.
It had helped me to find someone outside of my circle to seek help in my time of need. And I know that everyone thinks that "THERAPY" is super depressing and lame, but in reality it isn't. It's a way to approach on how to tackle your demons that has been consuming your life. I was given great guidance and it's nice to actually have someone to talk to who isn't biased or knows you personally. I am fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to seek someone for my help. I know it's costly, but believe me it is worth it only if you can budget it. I also had help from my mom's best friend and my sister's God Mother. She's been my second therapist. Because she knows my family, she was able to give me some perspective on what my parents' thoughts were about my issues. Talking to her about my mom and dad, and how their lives were before having kids gave me a better understanding on why my parents are the way they are (not being able to communicate). It had pained me to know that they had suffered the same ordeal as I did as a kid (being told they weren't good enough, being mistreated by the elders), it really hurt me that much. The only difference was that my parents proved people wrong by working hard instead of being a lying coward, hiding behind a fantasy life.
If you have ever felt that you need to be someone you're not, stop the cycle. Be happy in your own skin inside and outside. Life isn't always great, believe that. All the rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns don't really exist until you can truly find yourself and truly be happy. I encourage you readers, to take a moment to look at yourself for a moment. Look at your own reflection and everything that's there and don't forget to include your flaws. You might not like them, but some people will. If you think that's self acceptance is too hard because you've dug too deep into hating yourself, find someone to talk to. I encourage you to speak to your parents, in an open environment, and let them know what problems you are having. They're job is to listen to you. Though their advice might be biased, as long as they are listening to you, the channel of communication is open and you will have that feeling that it's alright to come to your parents once in a while. If you can't speak to your parents, talk to someone who's a family friend but let your parents know of this matter.
I'm actually quite relieved that I am finally able to finish this post. I've had it drafted for over 2-3 months now. I was a bit timid in posting this because I want to keep some things private. But I honestly felt that putting this out would be a constant reminder that I can be happy in my own skin and not have to be someone I'm not.
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to go through this journey with me. We all have a common goal in life and that's to be happy with ourselves. I am in a constant battle with myself every day to spread positivity not just to myself but to the people around me. But it all comes in full circle when we are all able to spread positivity together. We all have our weaknesses and strengths, but it's our strengths that can make positive changes to our weaknesses. Believe in yourself and believe that you are not alone.
Readers: What are the things you are struggling in life that has affected your own happiness? What are some tips we can share with each other in times of need? Share in the comments below.
Thank you again and remember, Be happy and smile! =)
In JessiPoo's Shoes
These are just moments in my life best described through photos and words
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Saturday, November 23, 2013
She's ALIVE!!!
That's right people...I have risen from the grave.
I have been SUPER M.I.A for some time now. My excuses.....
Wellllll....I don't have much LOL
BUT I will say this...I did go through a bit of change the last time I blogged.
First thing that I wanted to mention was that I finally started to become more active on my YouTube channel. I never wanted to categorized my channel to something that I know I wouldn't be consistent with. At first when I started the channel years ago, I thought it would be nice to make videos that show cased my love for music and uploading brown paper bag cover songs. After a few videos and lots of displeasing comments (remembering the one hateful comment where someone told me to get a nose job because it would benefit my voice better and also my Asian nose took my whole face, Not cool...) that it literally broke me down. I've never thought I was a great singer. I've been told by lots of people that I am, but I don't know for myself since I am always so harsh on myself. I just loved music and being musically talented since I was a child, I honestly thought there would be lots of people out there like me who were always too shy to showcase something special about them that they were able to have an outlet to share their special talent(s). After that, it went on to random vlogs about my every day life, which came to a halt because my friends and family never really understood why I needed to record my life for people to watch. I guess people just won't understand the concept of "sharing". I came to realize after a long year and a half of hiatus from filming anything, that I shouldn't have to really care about what others think of me. As long as I still have that passion for something that I loved to do, then it really shouldn't matter to anyone but myself. So I started to film again about things that I'm really passionate about.
The second thing that really changed my life was when I started my new job. I've been at my previous job for the last 5 years, and I never had plans to really go anywhere. I was really, for the most parts, happy to be working with a handful of talented and intelligent people. I really got along with everyone and most of us became really good friends. It wasn't until I realized that the direction of the business came to a drastic drama fest. If there's one thing that I hate when it comes to work, is it's politics and back talking. When you have a job, the people you work with become your second family and your job becomes your second home. It will always happen when you and another co-worker will have a day when you won't stop bickering at each other and you end up getting in a fight. It just happens, it's part of life. In my situation, however, I felt that I was being pinned against everyone and that I had no other choice than to find something else. It was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make. I thought that I would be a "lifer" there and have expressed that to my boss, but something wasn't feeling right in my heart and to make my heart mend, I needed to leave. Before I made my final decision, a lot of pettiness came out from my so-called friends. Lots of rumours began to spread, lots of hate started to build up, to the point where I was trapped. It really chewed me apart because I felt so betrayed. I spent 5 years of my life with these people and have done so much for them, that this is how they treated me. So many emotions came to me like a roller coaster. That's when I realized that if I couldn't find another job, that all I could do was just to do my job and keep everything to myself. Miraculously, a friend of mine offered me a job, which he guaranteed better pay, benefits, and he trusted me to fill this position because he knows that I'm a hard worker. I actually denied him the first time, and it wasn't until he came to me again that I said that I would reconsider his offer. I was scared to be honest, because I thought if I quit my current job and go to the new one and hate it as well, am I able to come back to my old job? I was so comfortable, that I was scared of the change. It wasn't until my loving and supporting boyfriend, James, made me sit down and think hard about the decision I'd be making. If I stayed at the current job, would it truly make me happy? Would all the back talking and politics go away? Would it be beneficial for me? Am I able to move up in the business ladder? Every question that he asked, I truthfully said NO to all. So I revised my resume and sent it to my friend, got a call 5 hours after I sent it and got the job. It was utterly the best feeling in the world. The person in HR was more than welcoming and she reassured me that I would be a great addition to the team, despite my concerns. After the call, I handed in my two weeks notice (which I prepared on my flash drive). At first my boss was confused, telling me that he thought I had stated I would be a lifer and continue helping his business grow. That's when I poured my heart to him and said that I wasn't happy and I couldn't work in such conditions that would eat me alive and make me regret if I stayed. On my last day, my boss came to my once more and asked if my decision was final. I assured him that it was and I thanked him and the other employees for their support they have given me and walked out with my head held high.
The thing that I learned most from this experience was that bridges can be easily burned. I purposely burned my bridges with my old boss because I couldn't support the way the business was going and how easily it was to betray people who you supposedly care for. And pride had to do a lot of it as well. My boss and other workers had too much pride in themselves that they kept saying that they didn't do anything wrong, which in my case, they clearly did. That pride turned into hate towards me. For myself, I had to take care of myself and stop caring of what they thought of me. I took pride in my work ethics and my goals in helping a business go forward instead of back, and they didn't like my concept.
Overall, I'm happy I made my decision. I absolutely love my new job. My boss is awesome and the higher ups are even more awesome. I find that I am contributing to the business' growth and what's more important that the company values that and they recognize each and everyone's support. We all motivate each other to do better, and that's what a business should be doing.
Readers, if you feel that this is happening to you or it did happen to you, I completely understand how you feel. It's always rough trying to find that career path and that perfect job, but it never seems to go into the direction you want it to. The things you should look into are: Do you love your job? Can you build a better relationship with everyone without the politics? Is your job beneficial to your life (mentally, physically, and emotionally)? Mostly, be true to yourself and always believe that when life gives you lemons, just make lemonade. There are ups and downs but each of us are capable of pulling ourselves up and pushing forward to do better.
That was a little long and emotional that I didn't even do my last change! HAHA! The last thing I've been doing was to make a change for myself. I have been lacking when it came to my health for about for many many years now. I was always a tiny person growing up and played some sports to get myself active and in shape. I guess after I moved away from my childhood town to a bigger city, went to college and having a part-time job to pay for bills, I neglected my health and being in shape. Now...I'm at my height-est weight I have ever been in my life (too embarrassed to share) and less than 4 months until my sister's wedding in Mexico, I've decided to step it up and make a stance. I've contemplated doing diet pills and weight loss program, but to be honest, I don't have the funds to do any sort. My goal is to be at 115 (I have a long ways to go), and what I've been doing really is 75% diet, watching what I eat, and 25% exercising and working out. I am allowed to have a cheat day once every other week. I cut my coffee out completely, NO MORE STARBUCKS NOOOOO!!!!! However, I'm allowed to have one if I didn't get enough sleep and need to go to work the next day. I try to exercise every day, whether I go out for a long walk/jog, doing a workout video, or simply work hard on my core. My current favourite video right now is the Pump It Up Ultimate Dance workout. You may remember this or not, but YouTube Call On Me and you'll remember right away. When I was younger, I used to dance (ballet, jazz, lyrical, and tap). One of my favourite things about my classes was actually the warm up exercises. It really worked your butt off. The work out video really reminds me of those days and it's only an hour and a bit of your time. It totally kicks my butt and I feel a lot stronger and more flexible after a few weeks of doing it. I wasn't even able to do some sections because I was way too tired, but now I'm able to do the whole video from start to finish. Realistically, losing weight and becoming strong can happen. It just takes a lot of work and dedication and also motivation. Trust me though, there are days when I would just love to do nothing but lay down and have my laptop on my stomach and watch YouTube or Anime all day while eating a pint of Haggen Daaz coffee ice cream. No joke I did this just before I started my work out plan. The thing is though, that "truth bus" came and completely ran me over that I needed to do something about it. I guess it came when I realized that I wasn't the smallest one in the family anymore, and that my fat sister isn't so fat no more and that she started to call me fat. Which is a great motivator by the way guys. LOL. All in all, I just wanted to be healthy and happy again.
I'm really glad that you guys survived this long entry (as it took me days to pour my soul into it), here's today's question for you readers.
I have been SUPER M.I.A for some time now. My excuses.....
Wellllll....I don't have much LOL
BUT I will say this...I did go through a bit of change the last time I blogged.
First thing that I wanted to mention was that I finally started to become more active on my YouTube channel. I never wanted to categorized my channel to something that I know I wouldn't be consistent with. At first when I started the channel years ago, I thought it would be nice to make videos that show cased my love for music and uploading brown paper bag cover songs. After a few videos and lots of displeasing comments (remembering the one hateful comment where someone told me to get a nose job because it would benefit my voice better and also my Asian nose took my whole face, Not cool...) that it literally broke me down. I've never thought I was a great singer. I've been told by lots of people that I am, but I don't know for myself since I am always so harsh on myself. I just loved music and being musically talented since I was a child, I honestly thought there would be lots of people out there like me who were always too shy to showcase something special about them that they were able to have an outlet to share their special talent(s). After that, it went on to random vlogs about my every day life, which came to a halt because my friends and family never really understood why I needed to record my life for people to watch. I guess people just won't understand the concept of "sharing". I came to realize after a long year and a half of hiatus from filming anything, that I shouldn't have to really care about what others think of me. As long as I still have that passion for something that I loved to do, then it really shouldn't matter to anyone but myself. So I started to film again about things that I'm really passionate about.
The second thing that really changed my life was when I started my new job. I've been at my previous job for the last 5 years, and I never had plans to really go anywhere. I was really, for the most parts, happy to be working with a handful of talented and intelligent people. I really got along with everyone and most of us became really good friends. It wasn't until I realized that the direction of the business came to a drastic drama fest. If there's one thing that I hate when it comes to work, is it's politics and back talking. When you have a job, the people you work with become your second family and your job becomes your second home. It will always happen when you and another co-worker will have a day when you won't stop bickering at each other and you end up getting in a fight. It just happens, it's part of life. In my situation, however, I felt that I was being pinned against everyone and that I had no other choice than to find something else. It was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make. I thought that I would be a "lifer" there and have expressed that to my boss, but something wasn't feeling right in my heart and to make my heart mend, I needed to leave. Before I made my final decision, a lot of pettiness came out from my so-called friends. Lots of rumours began to spread, lots of hate started to build up, to the point where I was trapped. It really chewed me apart because I felt so betrayed. I spent 5 years of my life with these people and have done so much for them, that this is how they treated me. So many emotions came to me like a roller coaster. That's when I realized that if I couldn't find another job, that all I could do was just to do my job and keep everything to myself. Miraculously, a friend of mine offered me a job, which he guaranteed better pay, benefits, and he trusted me to fill this position because he knows that I'm a hard worker. I actually denied him the first time, and it wasn't until he came to me again that I said that I would reconsider his offer. I was scared to be honest, because I thought if I quit my current job and go to the new one and hate it as well, am I able to come back to my old job? I was so comfortable, that I was scared of the change. It wasn't until my loving and supporting boyfriend, James, made me sit down and think hard about the decision I'd be making. If I stayed at the current job, would it truly make me happy? Would all the back talking and politics go away? Would it be beneficial for me? Am I able to move up in the business ladder? Every question that he asked, I truthfully said NO to all. So I revised my resume and sent it to my friend, got a call 5 hours after I sent it and got the job. It was utterly the best feeling in the world. The person in HR was more than welcoming and she reassured me that I would be a great addition to the team, despite my concerns. After the call, I handed in my two weeks notice (which I prepared on my flash drive). At first my boss was confused, telling me that he thought I had stated I would be a lifer and continue helping his business grow. That's when I poured my heart to him and said that I wasn't happy and I couldn't work in such conditions that would eat me alive and make me regret if I stayed. On my last day, my boss came to my once more and asked if my decision was final. I assured him that it was and I thanked him and the other employees for their support they have given me and walked out with my head held high.
The thing that I learned most from this experience was that bridges can be easily burned. I purposely burned my bridges with my old boss because I couldn't support the way the business was going and how easily it was to betray people who you supposedly care for. And pride had to do a lot of it as well. My boss and other workers had too much pride in themselves that they kept saying that they didn't do anything wrong, which in my case, they clearly did. That pride turned into hate towards me. For myself, I had to take care of myself and stop caring of what they thought of me. I took pride in my work ethics and my goals in helping a business go forward instead of back, and they didn't like my concept.
Overall, I'm happy I made my decision. I absolutely love my new job. My boss is awesome and the higher ups are even more awesome. I find that I am contributing to the business' growth and what's more important that the company values that and they recognize each and everyone's support. We all motivate each other to do better, and that's what a business should be doing.
Readers, if you feel that this is happening to you or it did happen to you, I completely understand how you feel. It's always rough trying to find that career path and that perfect job, but it never seems to go into the direction you want it to. The things you should look into are: Do you love your job? Can you build a better relationship with everyone without the politics? Is your job beneficial to your life (mentally, physically, and emotionally)? Mostly, be true to yourself and always believe that when life gives you lemons, just make lemonade. There are ups and downs but each of us are capable of pulling ourselves up and pushing forward to do better.
That was a little long and emotional that I didn't even do my last change! HAHA! The last thing I've been doing was to make a change for myself. I have been lacking when it came to my health for about for many many years now. I was always a tiny person growing up and played some sports to get myself active and in shape. I guess after I moved away from my childhood town to a bigger city, went to college and having a part-time job to pay for bills, I neglected my health and being in shape. Now...I'm at my height-est weight I have ever been in my life (too embarrassed to share) and less than 4 months until my sister's wedding in Mexico, I've decided to step it up and make a stance. I've contemplated doing diet pills and weight loss program, but to be honest, I don't have the funds to do any sort. My goal is to be at 115 (I have a long ways to go), and what I've been doing really is 75% diet, watching what I eat, and 25% exercising and working out. I am allowed to have a cheat day once every other week. I cut my coffee out completely, NO MORE STARBUCKS NOOOOO!!!!! However, I'm allowed to have one if I didn't get enough sleep and need to go to work the next day. I try to exercise every day, whether I go out for a long walk/jog, doing a workout video, or simply work hard on my core. My current favourite video right now is the Pump It Up Ultimate Dance workout. You may remember this or not, but YouTube Call On Me and you'll remember right away. When I was younger, I used to dance (ballet, jazz, lyrical, and tap). One of my favourite things about my classes was actually the warm up exercises. It really worked your butt off. The work out video really reminds me of those days and it's only an hour and a bit of your time. It totally kicks my butt and I feel a lot stronger and more flexible after a few weeks of doing it. I wasn't even able to do some sections because I was way too tired, but now I'm able to do the whole video from start to finish. Realistically, losing weight and becoming strong can happen. It just takes a lot of work and dedication and also motivation. Trust me though, there are days when I would just love to do nothing but lay down and have my laptop on my stomach and watch YouTube or Anime all day while eating a pint of Haggen Daaz coffee ice cream. No joke I did this just before I started my work out plan. The thing is though, that "truth bus" came and completely ran me over that I needed to do something about it. I guess it came when I realized that I wasn't the smallest one in the family anymore, and that my fat sister isn't so fat no more and that she started to call me fat. Which is a great motivator by the way guys. LOL. All in all, I just wanted to be healthy and happy again.
I'm really glad that you guys survived this long entry (as it took me days to pour my soul into it), here's today's question for you readers.
Readers: What are the recent changes you made in your life? Have you found that your change has made you happier? If there was one thing you would like to change, what would it be?
Thanks again you all for visiting my blog! Don't forget to follow and comment below.!
Until next time (and hopefully it won't be too long)...
Friday, December 28, 2012
Long Overdue...
Yo...it's been a while...
I have been neglecting on my blog far too long. So I thought why not start all over again with something new. I've been so busy with work that I don't have the time to really have any "ME" time. I wake up, go to work, come home after work, do my time wasting activities (Facebooking, Instagraming, Twittering, YouTubing but of course...), and go to bed right after. For the past few months, I have been doing this non-stop where I realized that I have been missing something in my life...something that shouldn't be avoided...something that I needed to do...which is.....
I know what you're probably thinking...really Jess? You haven't shopped in months? Tis very so true...I don't really like to shop, because it's basically spending the money that I really don't have. When I see a deal or good quality items, I will go ahead and purchase it. Since I've been living with my boyfriend, I've been so conscience of the things I buy since I got bills to pay, if you know what I mean.
ANYWHOOOS...as I mentioned in the beginning, I wanted to start something new...So this is my first installment of......
- A Newly Threaded Love-
A segment of posts where I visit stores/boutiques that are new or existing to me. I thought it would be interesting to do since Vancouver has so much to offer, fashion wise. I love visiting new stores or mom + pop shops. You can always find buried treasures in places you never expect to be in.
My first "ANTL" shop will have to be where I went today. It's called...
Ever New, as Forever New, is actually an Australian company and is quickly branding out worldwide. It is quickly being recognized here in Vancouver, as there are two store locations, one in Pacific Centre and the other in Richmond Centre.
I went to Richmond Centre today and recognized the store right away. One of my besties mentioned the store name for me as she bought me adorable accessories from them. I really like the style of this place. It's got everything a women needs. It's fashionable, not too flashy, but has a hint of edge to it.
Here are some pieces off there website (Stores will have different items at this time):
I'm loving this collarless jacket. What I love most about it is the detailed zippers, so you're able to make the jacket shorter or leave it longer.
Loving this dress. First off, it's a High Low. Secondly, it's sparkly! And Third, love the sides. And also it's black. I love black.
Oh yes...Did I mention that they have some cute and adorable accessories?
Here are two cell phone holders that I received as birthday gifts.
Some adorable bow iPhone4 clutches. This is perfect to have if you're going out for a night in down town partying. It has card holders for your basics and a small pocket to place your cash. I hated bringing a purse when I used to club. It was always a hassle to find your phone if you needed it or locating your money. I wish I had this when I was in my clubbin's days HAHAHA!
This make up bag was on sale for $14.95 CAD from $24.99 CAD. I love the little gold clasp. They had a red one but the clasp wasn't working functionally so I went with the white. I'm not so keen on white, just because I'm really bad with my belongings and they get dirty so easily. And relax folks, I know you see the security tag still attached. I didn't steal it...This just means I need to make another trip there and find more things!!!
I was in need for new shoes and I didn't think that Ever New would have any. But I spotted these Black Suede Wedges where I instantly fell in love with. They only carry full sizes, which is a bummer because I am a dead on 5.5, but I got a 6 and it fits amazingly.
Ahhhh shoe-gasm.....I love these. It was marked $69.99 CAD, which I was hesitant at that moment, because I had that thought in my head where it said, "Sheeze girl you can find something similar like this at ROSS!" But they were super cute and I loved how comfortable they were so I decided to go with it. When I went to pay, the cashier gave me the best news ever. The shoes were actually scanning as $49.99 CAD. STEAL!!!
It was such an awesome deal, that the sales associate who was helping me said I convinced her to get a pair herself. HAHA I'm a bad influence. I highly recommend anyone to go check out Ever New. I'm always looking for new stores and boutiques to find my own style.
So tell me:
Are there any places in Vancouver that I should check out?
Which stores are your favourite places to find your own style?
Leave a comment or a suggestion below and thanks for stopping by today.
Until next time.
makeup bag,
Pacific Centre,
Richmond Centre,
Friday, May 18, 2012
Nails and Diablo 3
I've been lacking on doing posts lately. I've been so caught up with work that I barely have anytime to sleep some days. I thought I'd do a quick post on some Spring Pastel Nails Art that I've had as a past manicure.
Items used: Hello Kitty Nail Art Stickers (Sephora), Essie Eternal Optimist, Sparitual Native Rock, OPI Top Coat, OPI Base Coat, White and Silver Striper (Daiso)
I didn't really had a design in mind, so I just kind of went for it and see what my results was. I can tell you however, I wouldn't justify spending another $8.00 for those HK nail stickers (Actually my mum was at Sephora one day and saw them so she HAD to get them for me... -_-). They weren't staying on my nails very well and they peeled off really easily. Not even 2 coats of topcoat would seal it.
Here's the colours in a different lighting.
Ever since the night I went to night market, I couldn't stop my self from purchasing nail art stickers, nails art tools, glitter, and all that jazz. I found out that the little spot that I always went to in Night Market, opened up a Kiosk location in Richmond Centre. So of course, I went and found an awesome gift package that had a stamp kit. I was reluctant at first to get the stamp kit, just because I wanted only the Hello Kitty stamp. When I asked the associate how much it was for just one stamp plate, she said it was about $3 to $5CAD. The kit was under $20CAD and you got a bunch of stuff in it too like a nail polish (colour is random) and some glitter bottles (also random). The associate lady was awesome though, she said to me that if my kit doesn't have the Hello Kitty stamp, she'll just exchange it for me. So sweet of her! But load and behold I got the HK stamp! I also purchased some nail stickers, because who doesn't love random art on your nails?
Crazy right? I bought this for under $30CAD. It was worth the buy, and it came in a little cute red package.
7 stickers for $10CAD....SCORE!
You can tell I got a little lazy, but I really do adore these two colours.
Here's the colours in a different lighting.
Ever since the night I went to night market, I couldn't stop my self from purchasing nail art stickers, nails art tools, glitter, and all that jazz. I found out that the little spot that I always went to in Night Market, opened up a Kiosk location in Richmond Centre. So of course, I went and found an awesome gift package that had a stamp kit. I was reluctant at first to get the stamp kit, just because I wanted only the Hello Kitty stamp. When I asked the associate how much it was for just one stamp plate, she said it was about $3 to $5CAD. The kit was under $20CAD and you got a bunch of stuff in it too like a nail polish (colour is random) and some glitter bottles (also random). The associate lady was awesome though, she said to me that if my kit doesn't have the Hello Kitty stamp, she'll just exchange it for me. So sweet of her! But load and behold I got the HK stamp! I also purchased some nail stickers, because who doesn't love random art on your nails?
Crazy right? I bought this for under $30CAD. It was worth the buy, and it came in a little cute red package.
7 stickers for $10CAD....SCORE!
My HK stamp...I can not wait to use it.
The random nail polish and glitters.
I've also created a habit of going through the Beauty Aisle in London Drugs and Shopper's Drug Mart to take a peek on what kind of nail varnishes they stock. Some days they have sales in the Beauty section, so I always tend to stock up. I'm currently in love with the pastels and mostly the mint green.
Items Used: Revlon Minted, OPI Alpine Snow
Tools Used: Dot Tool from Richmond Night Market
Tools Used: Dot Tool from Richmond Night Market
I had a lot of fun making this one. I finally found my dotting tool, and decided on some fun polka dot designs.
That's about it kids. I've been keeping this post in my edit pile for quite some time now, and I finally got the chance to finish it up. Sheesh, I've had it sitting here since April. Work's been busy. Also...Diablo 3 came out just a few days ago too. I just got up to Level 12 and using a Demon Hunter. Sick shit it is. PM for the email or tag name.
Alright. It's 1:30AM and I've got work in the morning (craps). Night kids!
What pastel colour would you paint your nails?
If you're a Diablo fan, what type of character is your favourite?
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Fishy Kitty Doggy
Fish fish fish fish fishy tails!!!
Helloooooooooo everyone! How are we all doing today??? Hope everyone is getting stoked for the weekend because I am ready for this week to get over with. Anyways, I got extremely bored last Friday since I woke up really early for god knows what...and had some free time so I decided to attempt my first fish braid...
It's not the best work of Fishtails ever, but it was sufficient enough for me that it made a difference on my hair style that day. It seriously took me a good 45 minutes to even start up on braiding my nest trap. First time I gathered too much hair. The second time around I completely screwed up alternating taking hair from one side to the other. Then the third was just when I was almost done, had literally about 2 inches left when I had to help my bf with moving things (I was literally about to cry at this point). By my fourth try, I told myself, if I can't do it and make it somewhat nice looking, I will give up completely on doing Fishtail braids. Thankfully I did good and it looked alright. I'm not good at hair. Believe me. I get so damn flustered when it comes to teasing, combing, styling and just uuggghhh!!!! I hate being a girl sometimes. Anyways here's some googled pictures for your sheer entertainment.
AWWWW a kitty!
Speaking of kitty...I have an awesome story that leads to another Kitty. After coming home from a horrendous day at work...I literally didn't want to do anything for Valentine's day. I just recently got back into a relationship, and we normally don't do the whole month anniversary thing, but he's been speaking non-sense ever since we've been dating that he will wow me on V-Day. I'm sort-of kinda an anti-V-Day just because I think it's such a pressure pusher to anyone and everyone who's in relationships and all and even to single people too. I will admit it though, it's nice once in a while to be appreciated and to have that significant other express their feelings for you with whatever creative way they can.
Speaking of kitty...I have an awesome story that leads to another Kitty. After coming home from a horrendous day at work...I literally didn't want to do anything for Valentine's day. I just recently got back into a relationship, and we normally don't do the whole month anniversary thing, but he's been speaking non-sense ever since we've been dating that he will wow me on V-Day. I'm sort-of kinda an anti-V-Day just because I think it's such a pressure pusher to anyone and everyone who's in relationships and all and even to single people too. I will admit it though, it's nice once in a while to be appreciated and to have that significant other express their feelings for you with whatever creative way they can.
So, I came home, knowing that we weren't going to do anything and knowing that once I reach upstairs I will be going straight to the bedroom to change into my comfy clothes and just plopping into bed, when I saw this on my dresser.
I kinda did freak out...because it's a FRIGGIN' HELLO KITTY BOUQUET!!!!! Just right when I was going to do my "AAWWWW EEEE HUNNIE!" squeal squawking that I do, he surprised me again with having dinner ready for me that he claimed he slaved away for a good 3 to 4 hours. He made me his somewhat famous baked Salmon with special sweet and spicy marinade, Szechuan style green beans and prawns, Baked ham fried rice with cheese, and of course for dessert, homemade Vanilla and Coconut creme brulee. I honestly wished I took a photo of everything he made, but I was famished and I literally ate everything within minutes. It was a good thing he made extra creme brulee...I had 2 servings to myself......I'm a fattie >.<
Anyways, time for bed. My lil pup Kyo has been so patient with me. He's been wanting to snuggle with me and wouldn't leave me alone, so I placed him on my lap while doing this blog and he's just peacefully chilling on my lap. Such a good doggy. I hope you all had a good Valentine's Day or Single Awareness day.
If you did celebrated V-Day, either you're in a relationship or single, what did you do, and if you got a lil' present, what did you get?
Until next time peoples.
<3 Jess and KyoFriday, February 10, 2012
DOV 2012
It's one of those things Vancouverites would do...be a tourist in their own city.
I have a guilty pleasure of doing this. Every year local Vancouver restaurants are part of Dine Out Vancouver 2012, which consists a three/four course meal at a flat fee rate. Now, seeing as though I've been attending this annual ritual since I've lived in Vancouver, of course I had to take part of it's customs again.
I went to two places, Ciao Bella on Denman Street and The Observatory on Grouse Mountain. I chose Ciao Bella after hearing from my bf that he likes small and REAL (and yes he emphasized on the REAL part) Italian restaurants. I looked up the restaurant and menus offers and though it was a good choice. It was small....and I mean REALLY REALLY small. It's not that big of a restaurant probably max 50 seating at least, but the atmosphere is charming. Greeted by an Italian man with the whole Mario and Luigi mustaches and a live piano player. I wasn't able to get any photos from Ciao Bella (pooey) but was able to get a few in from The Observatory. I love fine dining, and once in a blue moon I would treat myself to a four-star restaurant dinner. Like C.B, The Observatory was small as well, but the service and the scenery was really special. We didn't get a window seat, but we were close enough to get that beautiful view of the Vancouver night life.
I chose the Goat cheese salad as my appetizer. It really is a big block of goat cheese...you see those mini greens...yay...that was the "salad". Tasty though because I love cheese. I didn't get a shot of my boyfriend's squash soup, because it was damn tasty. Probably the best thing I have ever had.
I ordered the Seared Cod for my entree, I wanted fish anyways and it was super buttery. Loved seared anything. Accompanied with chorizo, turnip puree, with chickpeas and micro greens...super fancy
My boyfriend had the lamb loins. And yes that's how tiny the serving was. Accompanied with a turnip layered cake and some veggies with a red wine reduction sauce.
And of course, the most important course of all....DESSERTS!
Poached sliced pears in a cinnamon based sauce with a mint foam and a creme brulee with orange sorbet.
All in all, I had a great time there and the service there was remarkable. Only thing I'd had to really add, which I do believe a lot of people will agree with me on this, is that the portions were way to small. Now I know it's like a tasting menu for new customers and all, but for the amount you pay you should think you deserve another piece of the lamb loin.
Anyways, hope these photos didn't make you hungry. TTFN.
If you went to DOV this year, which restaurant was your favourite?
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
New Years Reso...New Post
I've realized that I am really neglecting on my blogging. Even though I'm completely still new at it and have no idea what to blog about...I should make a stand and make it a new years resolution to at least blog once a week about anything.
Well today will mark that fresh new start.
I've been doing a lot (and I mean A LOT) of online window shopping. I love window shopping. It makes me want to actually save up, pick my most wanted, budget myself, and then shop my heart out. Today's guilty pleasure would be this uber awesome website here.
I am completely floored and in love with this concept of shopping accordingly to your zodiac sign. I think it gives someone the chance to have fun and be creative with their own creation, with some guidelines. So, I'm a virgo and this is what the their stylist has come up with.
Super cute eh? Details of the complete outfit can be found here.
I absolutely adore the top, especially the colour. I'm always scared to try colours and patterns because I like my greys, blacks, cremes. I'm a natural kind of girl, but if I see something that's really intriguing and something that I know I can pull off with the right accessories, I'll add it to my wardrobe.
Speaking of wardrobe...I finally organized my SUPER TINY closet space at my boyfriends place. I literally have no more space to put any more clothes. AGGGGRRRHHHHH!!!
But on the bright side...It's well organized (maxi-dresses to casual dresses to dressy dresses/short sleeved shirts to long sleeved shirts/sweaters to blazers/dress pants to jeans to skirts/ and then light jackets for layering) and all colour coordinated...Yup...I'm a bit of a nut...
I still need to go to IKEA and pick up a small dresser to put my bras and panties in. I have a huge Hello Kitty bag that has all my goods and it sucks trying to hunt those bastards down, especially when I am running late for something (like work >.<)
How do you organize your closet?
Until next time...
I still need to go to IKEA and pick up a small dresser to put my bras and panties in. I have a huge Hello Kitty bag that has all my goods and it sucks trying to hunt those bastards down, especially when I am running late for something (like work >.<)
How do you organize your closet?
Until next time...
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